When bored I have taken to clicking 'next blog' and critiquing the blog that I find there. Yes I know that by pushing that button I am opening the door to someone else critiquing me but I am open to criticism even though I do not take it well and will kill you and yer family and anyone you have ever met if you give me a negative review......I have a few issues I need to work through.
The blog I found was called VDCH / VIDEODANZA CHILE and can be found at http://videodanzachile.blogspot.com/
C'mon people you call this a blog? the only action I saw was a woman with her leg in a cast and the writing was fucking atrocious have grammar you not heard of? for instance:
"Si bien esto es una condición de la producción artística contemporánea y la idea tradicional de definición sería incoherente en este caso, debe ser posible reunir una serie de ideas que permitan generar una definición como campo de acción que a modo"
What the fuck are you trying to say? are you speaking in mongish or something? for fuck sake no tits, no jokes and no tits. I take it yer a masochist. What about yer hot Chilly president woman? I'd do a lying week on her.
Argentina, thats the one. We give it to them up the ass during the Falklands war in 82 I'm sure she wouldn't mind me having another go.
Hilary Clinton has fine child bearing hips and though McCain will win I want yon black fella Osama to win as America isn't ready for a president of colour so it would be funny as fuck.
I have just been advised by Billy One Ear my friend and spiritual advisor that the blog is written in Italian so that explains a lot then. Fucking Eye-Ties whose side were you on during the war? I would have killed more of yous but you ran too fast, no wonder yer sisters don't stand a chance.
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