Old Knudsen is not afraid to discuss his man crushes. It doesn't make him ghey you know nor does what he did in prison or the military, I like to call it survival and thats the story I'm sticking with.
Errol Flynn that crazy Tasmanian devil was one of Old Knudsen's and still is man crushes. Captain Blood being one of the best films ever. I love to see the mad look of excitement in his eye when the sword fighting begins.
Cary Grant though being English had brilliant comic timing . He was a bit of rough polished up for Yank audiences. A quote of his I remember is, "The only thing I wear in bed is my wife."
Daniel Craig is fucking cool. Another Sassenach but I forgive him as he is not the modern crying Englishman who complains the Iranians tortured him but in reality all they did was flick his neck
Those nasty Iranians wouldn't let me play my I-pod and flicked my neck and called me smelly feet, of course I told them all I know.
Craig can act. Yank, Brit whatever he is the man.
Finally a Scot. ok with a name like Gerard Butler you can tell hes a Fenian, again forgiven for my flesh is weak.
The expression he is doing here is very Scottish, its rubbing yer chin while pointing out someone is wrong just before you kick them into a bottomless pit.
A bottomless Pitt is like ass-less chaps, a gheys worse nightmare. Who would you fight? I'd fight Shatner, well I'd fight Old Knudsen but I'd lose.
Now for my steady man crush Ben Stiller. He may look like a Chimpanzee with muscles but this guy is just so funny to watch, he could drop a turd and I'd sit and laugh at it for an hour.
He is married to a hot Christine Taylor, I want to watch them do it, I want to join them doing it, I want her to watch me doing him while she sits in a corner with just her cigarette glowing in the dark. No none of this makes me ghey, it says so in the Bible ..................... some where at the back.
Look he breaks his wrist but still is in good nature when a camera is shoved in his face, what a guy.
Good natured, humourous and smart, he reminds me of a younger Jewish Old Knudsen without a cap.
Something about Mary ....... if you don't find this film funny then yer a cunt!
The Fockers movies ...... De Niro used to be a man crush too, these films are funny though not a laugh riot.
Dodge ball ...... funny in a pathetic way.
Tropic Thunder ...... One of the most funny films I've seen in years.
Zoolander ...... Just funny.
His Tom Cruise impersonation is spot on, he plays up tight nice guys or funny dumb guys, Ben Stiller put yer arse on notice for Old Knudsen is cumming.
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