
Monday, December 25, 2006

Hot Midget Fisting Action

She will she will behead you.

Did you watch the Queen's speech? she one of those natural beauties that only gets better with age, she has that posh bint accent like that Nigella cooking bird that makes me feel all rough and manly. I had company over so I had to put a cushion on my lap as Kenny (my penis) was standing to attention for her majesty. Language experts have said that since Queen Elizabeth II started out in the Queeny business she has lost a lot of her upper class talking doon to you way of speaking, she still sounds like a toff but not so much now.

ID cards,Crime, terrorism, drugs and anti-social behaviour were some of her key topics, I love the term 'Anti-social behaviour' its what the hoods accuse you of before they break yer legs for stealing cars or breaking into hooses around their area of town, punishment beatings are very social events in themselves, they bring people closer together, even just for a short and very violent time.

She closed it with
My Lords and members of the House of Commons.
I pray that the blessing of Almighty God may rest upon your counsels.

I want to play lowly the stable hand with Nigella Lawson, how do you want yer eggs in the morning Luv ? fertilized?

I wasn't mentioned in the Christmas honours list again, if I make it through the winter theres always next year, hell I'm not even on Blogs of note yet, who do I have to give a Rimjob to around here?


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