I make it my own personal crusade to find out the truth and possibility use it for blackmail in some way. I uncover, Frauds, Frogs, Flax, Frig and Fodder, nothing escapes me, well except that postman the other day, its a mystery as to how he undid that knot. Semen are proud of their knots.
I have discovered that several bloggers are not who they say they are, ach it really upsets me to be lied to as I sit here in cold Killamory scratching the stump where my leg used to be. If you can find a lie and prove it false on any of my blogs I shall stop blogging and committing other hate crimes.
Do you recognise the above avatar? let me jog yer memory, "I'm just having some bacon then I'm oot and aboot on the search for Fenian cock sucking, bitches."
Yes you got it. The avatar belongs to my favourite commenter (not true I hate you all) and good friend (not until she gets her shots and I don't mean Whisky) MJ.
MJ is the local magnitude defined for earthquakes. Better described here.
Mjd : Displacement magnitude It is calculated as the average of
Which if you think about it is a load of old bollocks and she is just having a joke at our expense. Very clever, but not clever enough.
I have discovered the real MJ in this photo taken 30 years ago. She is in fact Greta Von Sharpie the famous groupie who once dated Motley Crue , Ken Barlow and the terrorist organisation Hezbollah. You can run MJ but yer past has a bad limp.
This is why Old Knudsen calls Interpol amateurs. MJ is also a bit of a swinger.
I know who you did last summer ........... I still have the rash.
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