
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Over Heard At The Pub

Michael Jackson, Osama Bin Laden and the Pope in a plane
The plane is about to crash, and the Pope starts praying for God to save the Children.
'Fuck The Children' says Osama
To which Michael Jackson replies:
'Do we have time?'

A priest and a rabbi are walking along, and pass two young boys in the street.
The priest to the rabbi: You see those two boys? Lets go back there and fuck 'em.
The rabbi: Out of what?

A pedophile priest and a small child are walking in the woods. The child says 'it's scarey out here.' The priest responds 'if you think it's scarey, imagine me.
I have to walk out of here alone.'

How do you make a gay man have sex with your girlfriend?
Shit in her cunt.

Whats the difference between a train carriage and a miscarriage?
You can't eat a train carriage

What's black and doesn't work?
Half of Birmingham

"Hey that last one is just out of order you slitty eyed cunt."

Theres a moral to this post but I'm no pointing it out to ya.


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