I want to try a great experiment, in fact its so great I want to give it a catchy name, maybe the' Final Solution'.
Wobble Headed George Clooney went to Africa to rub it in to Johnny Black fellow that hes rich and hot and they are not, its good that poor dying people should see the elite of the world before they go, of course if they saw that 'Batman and Robin' movie they would say no he is the one that must die before I go.
When George got back to the States he gave a speech on what he saw, he said," if we stop feeding them the problem won't just go away, any questions?"
"George who are you boning? how much weight are you putting on for your next movie and are you not a good enough actor to just act fat? whats Brad Pitt like and have you seen the baby? "
Well I disagree, I suspect if we stop feeding them the problem will go away.
We need a world leader like Winston Churchill, when the Germans scared the French into surrendering the frogs wouldn't put the French navy under British control, so rather than having it fall into German hands he destroyed it killing 1200 sailors, he'd have the balls to call it a day on Africa.
As well as not feeding the Africans (who will just breed more hungry Africans) we shouldn't feed the winos in the park, they drink to escape reality so we are just helping them to escape it a bit more permanently, we just have to clamp down on the do-gooders at Christmas, why do these people not give a shit all year and then on Christmas week they pretend to be nice and also go and hand out food at shelters, of course they make sure you know they did.
Old Knudsen is a fucker all year round, if I'm being nice then you can bet there will be trouble, when the Sally Ann come round Jimmy's pub selling Warcrys I try to get money off them.
What about those smug rich fuckers with the Hybrid cars, if they are serious about helping the environment then they can buy everyone else a Hybrid too, I'm waiting.
No more band Aides, work on your music or films, Bono all yer records sound the same, time for the Hedge to go, that Velvet Revolver sounded like Guns'n'Roses because of Splash on the guitar, the 80's were good to you, move on, give us something you can sing along to, Bob Geldof, just retire, you never could sing.
George Clooney hasn't made a good movie since Ocean's 11. Solaris, a cameo in Spy kids 3-D, Ocean's 12 and Syrianna, he'll make any overhyped piece of shit.
What is it with Irish Bog trotters and Africa?
Old Knudsen doesn't like 'Trendy Activists' (my own term) those who get their causes from Hollywood and only know about Rwanda because of the Hotel film, they don't care about the Congo or what the government in Zimbabwe is doing or anything else going on all over that oozing sore of a place.
Show them a blank map of Africa and one of South America get them to tell you which is which.
Oh the picture of George Clooney is not him, its a hybrid, not as good looking, smart or witty as the original , he charges more and doesn't polute as much with as many shite movies, not really an answer you'll take what we give you.
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