
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

don't shoot til you see the ginger of their pubes

Old Knudsen being a creature of impulse and raw emotion cannot let another moment go by without telling you Click next bloggers about this fella he hates with all the passion and fury at his disposal, this wee shite (on the right) comes on everytime I check my Yahoo mail, they had me on the Beta blockers or something and that took forever to load up, that wee ginger cunt just bounced on a green testicle for 5 mins as I stared at his wobbling head, wishing for it to fall off, so I came off beta, as Beta is to be mocked in all its forms now I'm back on Yahoo VHS which is faster but not so flashy and this wee blurt keeps poping out and waving to me, I don't want your beta, take the hint, I think the main reason I hate him so is because he reminds me of Chris Evans, (on the left) another wee ginger nut that needs to be bleached and destroyed.


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