
Sunday, February 10, 2008

We Need A Bigger Blog

What a start to the new year, first Heath Ledger pops his clogs and now I find that Roy Scheider who was in two of my favourite films, Jaws and Marathon man has died aged 75. The funny thing is I had just used a jaws quote in the post on my news blog that would have been up when he died so the useless powers of psychic Blogjinx © are at it again, maybe its a message that the powers that be (and I don't mean the Diocese of Leeds) read my blogs and to keep at it. Who will be number three I wonder.

We all know that musicians, actors, politicians, I.T. technicians and bloggers are just totally self absorbed with the lint in their own belly buttons and its all about me me me and fucking memes, by the way I just got an award for being a fucking brilliant commenter I reckon I just keep getting better and better, well that's enough about me, what do you think about me?

Given to me by Witchypoo the Psychicgeek

Arnold Schwarzenegger has looked at himself and saw that his legacy is big muscles, groping weemen, marrying an ugly Kennedy (as if there are good looking ones) and bad acting.
Since being the Govenator of California he thinks his acting has improved so as well as a new Terminator film he will remake some of his old ones but with added depth only found with age.

Terminator 4 'Rise of the polls' even Cyborgs from the future can feel a tightness in their chests. "I vant your clothes, motorcycle and to kiss your baby."

Going Commando, one mans quest to find unsoiled underwear.

Conan The Geriatric "Gah! vhere ist my sword und glasses?"
Other movies due to get the special treatment will be:
Total Alzheimers
The Walker Man
End Of Rest Home Days
Tinkle All The Vay


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