
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Is Bestiality A Step Up Or Doon From Harry Potter?

Erect nipples, hairy chest and a treasure trail doon to paradise, I give him a year and 2 months before this lad cums out of the closet.

Now I don't criticise anyone you all know that. I'm an open and carefree person, what ever depraved disgusting things you do in the privacy of yer own home or discreetly at a bus stop is up to you. I also have total respect for JRR Tolkien when she wrote those 30 or so Harry Potter books even though they aren't my cup of tea I am someone who appreciates good literature, you just have to look at my Blog to see that. The Harry Potter movies were on the other hand a pack of shite, its sad to see such formerly high class actors appearing in such goat licking turd crunching films. Poor Richard Harris died of shame to get out of his contract.
The head boy in the films Daniel Radcliffe has now grown up ish, thankgod for lighting and camera angles because this is one goofy looking mong. Well ok maybe I do criticise a little bit.

Steady on there Trigger my old son, you know you love it.

Mr Radcliffe is has now a few hairs on his sunken chest and a few million in the bank so now hes doing the most un Harry Potter thing there is, hes doing a play called ' The horse diddler' about a boy and his inappropriate relationship with his horse, this play calls for him to appear naked, not even a cap, all his shameful sinful parts will be on display for all to see, I'm trying to get some members of the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland to which I belong to protest somewhere near a pub about this outrageous display that none of us have seen or are likely to see but its the principal of the thing.
I hope these pictures will disgust you enough to join me, you're buying.


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