
Monday, November 6, 2006

Shadows Of Old Knudsen.

You silly twat, there is no book, however if you want to send me £21.99 in advance of some book I may or may not write in the future please do and I'll make sure you get a copy .

A preview:

Old Knudsen was hard, hard as nails some said, but he was stiff, stiff and upright due to a back injury, his purple head throbbed as he rubbed his hand over it he knew he had to take care of it before it exploded, so he took some aspirin, this loosened him up. He had just spent the night in a bar which was a real Dive run by Dive called 'The Skinny Goth Gurl', Dr Maroon and Footeater had taken him out for a few so they could pump him for cool post ideas and maybe just pump him later, suddenly all the weemen that commented on his blog walked in naked, Sammy and Rob 7534 just ignored them, I stood up and grabbed a bottle of baby oil then........................... to be continued.


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