
Saturday, November 25, 2006

While There Is George There Is Hope.

The doggie is not actually the most ugly little fucker there is, its just that George is so good looking he makes it look that way.

George Clooney is a star. Very few modern day actors can measure up to and have the same kind of generosity and charisma that he has. He has avoided the stigma of bitter divorces by just shagging all round him and dumping them when they talk about changing the leopard skin print bed sheets and getting rid of the mirrors in his bedroom (Old Knudsen's bedroom is similar) he is funny, intelligent and cares for the Africans, he has gone to the politicians and put his point across, unlike Ben Affleck and his political agenda George was actually taken seriously.
I could put up pictures of bad haircuts of the past or mention Ocean's 12, Batman or Solaris but no, as an actor/movie star he has done more good than harm, and if you don't like George then you must be ghey.

George having a checkup to encourage other men to look after their health, God bless you George.


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