It seems there is a tradition among the Mexicans that every Christmas Witches fly out to patrol the skies to try to stop Santa. Now we all know that Witches are evil vile creatures that would certainly do such a thing and as the King James Blunt version of the bible says "suffer not a witch to live" but more likely its a 3rd world cuntry making up an excuse as to why Santa didn't give them any presents, it seems Santa doesn't give presents to poor kids, either hes a cunt or he doesn't exist, its the Witches stopping him or 3rd world kids are bastards I really don't know.
It was caught on video a few times but no way am I putting up a link to some cunting You Tube.
Then there is this proof which happened in the states, the body was found in New Mexico which is still Mexico right? just shinier . The body was taken off to be dis-sected, I hope they killed it first.
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