
Monday, December 10, 2007

Day 14

Its day 14 since I captured my Al Qaeda operative. The fucker is still sticking to his cover story of being Greek and working at the Kebab shop oh hes good but this is how I earned my pay at one time, he'll break and soon I'll know where Osama is .

I've tried water-boarding, surf-boarding and room and boarding. I made him watch me have sex with old Mrs McGee but that only excited him and it may of excited me too as I was a bit fast, old Maggie McGee needs to be warmed up these days and I was over and done before you could say " Abrakebabra" in fact that's what I did say when I came.

I tried the old six inch nail hammered through the scrotum but that only hurt me like fuck I think I may have lost my edge a little with this interrogation lark .
I've rented out all the Harry Potter films and the fast and the furious trilogy, this camel jockey won't know what hit him.

I think he already knows he'll end up at the bottom of the garden when he tells me where Obama is, fuck now I'm confused, just one letter out and you end up invading the wrong country, Iran laughed its arse off when Iraq got invaded.

And before you go saying it this is not like the time I thought that black lad of colour was a Zulu spy. You go fight the Zulus and see what sneaky fuckers they are. Or the time I caught an IRA terrorist and he turned out to be Polish, well how the fuck do I know what gheylick sounds like? he looked Irish anyway with his long hair and stuck in the 70's clothes.


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